Joe at Work

Joe is more than an Art Director; Joe is a quiet amalgam of left brain/right brain, deliberative/activator, and silk/polyester/nylon.

With almost a decade of design work in our industry, Joe has worked extensively in both digital and print and in a variety of verticals—Consumer Goods, Tech, Hospitality, AEC, Healthcare, Legal—to name a few.

Joe graduated from the University of Missouri – Columbia’s BFA program with a dual major in Graphic Design and Serigraphy. Which means, among other things, that MarketPlace has upped its trade show shirt game.

wall art


At the age of 2, Joe completed his first work of art, titled (in retrospect) Anatomically Incorrect Wildlife in Crayon. While it was received poorly by critics, his choice of canvas (the kitchen wall) did elicit a powerful emotional response from its viewers. Joe didn’t let this response slow his art career, however, eventually applying his artistic expression to new canvases, borrowed matchbox cars and baseball cards, before moving into the digital space with crude photo manipulations in MS Paint.

Joe at Home

Joe is competitive/borderline masochist and enjoys competing/borderline-masochisting in endurance events and adventure races or really anything that pushes the boundaries of the human spirit (excepting PowerPoint, which pushes the boundaries beyond even his spirit).

Joe also identifies as a “Highpointer,” one who seeks to reach the highest point in all 50 states, a feat successfully summited by roughly 250 people. He’s currently at 10 high points. When he’s not meticulously planning his next adventure, you can find Joe spending his nights and weekends coaching a local youth swim team.


I like to approach life with an open mind, endless curiosity, and a lack of fear. Also, pragmatism. When I see a chair, I typically don’t see a metaphor for life, but a place for your butt.

Memorable Meal

Joe loves the simplicity and camaraderie involved with cooking on a campfire with a good group of friends, unless Raising Cane’s is within 10 miles, in which case nature can take a hike.

Humans don’t mind hardship, in fact they thrive on it; what they mind is not feeling necessary.

- Sebastian Junger