An Agency with a Booth

At a recent industry trade show, several attendees asked me, throughout the course of an afternoon, what a food marketing agency does and why an agency would have a booth at a food show. Though my colleagues will tell you I’ve never offered a simple answer in my life, the answers this time really were quite simple.

We’re not a trade show marketing agency, per se, but we’re focused on the food and beverage as well as pet and animal and health and wellness industries, so the food trade is as much our trade is it is that of a B2B food manufacturing company or a B2C beverage start-up. In other words, we exhibit at these shows because we’re a part of the industry driving these shows. We’re involved with and passionate about every aspect of the industry, from regulations to packaging innovation to ingredient systems to consumer trends. By focusing solely on this industry, we’re better positioned to help companies in this industry with strategy, research, branding, PR, social media, or any other marketing and communications needs they have.

That’s why we’ll be at the Chicago Section IFT Suppliers’ Night 2012 this Thursday, Nov. 15, in Booth 150. If you’ll be there, we’d love to see you. If you’re interested in talking about the ways that we could apply our industry experience and expertise to help you sell your brand to your specific market and you’d like to set up a time to meet, please get in touch. Email or call 314.647.9500.