Why B2B Branding is Good Business

For businesses whose clients are other businesses, branding – or rebranding – isn’t often a top priority. There are always other tasks to tackle, other fires to put out. Who has time for branding with sales to make, supply issues to resolve, new products to launch, and marketing initiatives to fulfill?

The way we see it, who doesn’t? Here’s why:

Let’s say you’re a commodity supplier. Most likely, your ingredients are fairly similar to the next guy’s, and the food industry is so saturated with claims of “quality ingredients” and “great service” that these words have become wallpaper. So, why do customers come to you? Positive relationships and purchasing habits might keep customers coming back, but what gets business prospects interested in the first place?

Branding lays the groundwork for strong relationships; it identifies and communicates your company’s value and its point of differentiation. It’s the reputation, the personality, and the story that your potential clients associate with your brand before they experience any one-on-one interaction.

Not even “innovative solutions” sell themselves. Proprietary technology has value, but that value must relate to the target audience and be communicated effectively in order to promote interest and trust in your brand.

Informed by strategy, insight, planning, and tactical execution, a strong brand helps you break through the clutter. It tells your story, strengthens your position in the marketplace, and lays the groundwork for strong relationships in the industry.

As partners to the food and beverage industry, we employ our insider knowledge and strategic approach to B2B branding to promote business objectives.

MarketPlace not only understands where food industry brands are from, we help them get to where they want to be. Get in touch to learn how we can help you build your business by building your brand.