The Transparency Trend

Transparency. It’s what consumers have come to expect from the brands they buy, especially when it involves their food. From the geographic origin of ingredients to how – and by whom – they are grown and harvested, consumers expect more from their loaf of bread than simply to serve as […]


A Very (Food) Trendy Thanksgiving

A Thanksgiving menu with a trend-inspired twist While recalling classic dishes that make Thanksgiving meals memorable, we reimagined a classic turkey day menu with inspiration from some of our favorite food trends. From the donut domination of 2013 trends to the predicted popularity of ginger in 2014,  here are a few […]


Cookies and Noodles: Moment Marketing 101

During the power outage that halted Super Bowl XLVII, one tweet made a bright impression, becoming one of the most retweeted messages of all time. The tweet itself: “Power out? No problem.” It was accompanied by an image of a dimly lit Oreo and the caption “You can still dunk […]


Moringa: Superfood (or Just Super)?

It seems that every few weeks, a little-known (often exotic) fruit or veggie is declared the next superfood. By moving so quickly from one proclaimed superfood to the next, we’re left to semi-seriously infer that the previous one failed to live up to its moniker and (innumerable) promises. This fact, however, […]


Pumpkin Spice Lattes: the Value of Forced Scarcity

Starbucks has been slinging (can you sling a latte?) its incredibly popular Pumpkin Spice Latte for around a decade. While they didn’t invent the spice combination, they’re at least partially responsible for the increased pumpkin-spicing of our drinks and desserts every fall for the past ten years. Drinks and desserts […]


The Labels Behind Pet Nutrition Marketing

When it comes to food ingredient labels, consumers are savvier than ever, and those shelf-smarts have, over the last few years, begun extending to ingredient lists for our pets’ food, but all is not yet perfectly clear, even for the shrewdest of label readers. As with human nutrition, pet ingredient […]


Meals Out of Mealworms, Snacks Out of Silkworms

I’ve been thinking about insects. Specifically, I’ve been thinking about eating them (or, so far, not eating them). Meat isn’t usually considered a luxury item in western culture, but prices are predicted to rise substantially in the next decade. If meat consumption grows concurrently in developing parts of the world, […]


Sushi, Sour Food, and the New American Palate

When I first took a bite of sushi when I was four years old, or should I say, after my mother shoved it into my mouth, I knew it was my new favorite. Growing up, when asked about what my favorite food was, I always took secret delight in the […]


Content Marketing is for the Dogs

Officially launching a website isn’t the exhale that it used to be. We certainly high-fived and enjoyed the moment recently after we hit the “Publish” button on a new social site for our client FURminator, but we sat right back in our seats after the high-five and got back to […]


Making Social Media Your (B2B) Business

Why social media for B2B? When the first social media platforms started popping up – Twitter, facebook, Instagram – people didn’t know what to use them for. “Do I really need to share my every waking thought in 140-character increments? Do my friends really need to see an artfully arranged […]


Shared Meals: Dining in the Era of Social Media

Initiate dinner plans with friends through Facebook, seek out Yelp reviews before choosing a restaurant, arrive at the location and check in on Foursquare, crowdsource menu recommendations through Twitter, photograph and post an image of your meal with Instagram – all before taking your first bite. Welcome to dining in […]


Every Day is a (Food) Holiday

As the taste of Thanksgiving fades with the last leftover turkey sandwich, we begin to anticipate the arrival of upcoming holidays and the dishes that will mark those occasions. While Christmas or Hanukkah may come to mind, there are a number of lesser-known holidays right around the corner. Take November […]
